A landscape photography blog by Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire based landscape photographer Rob Thorley Photography.

Roaches in the mist . . . Not as catchy as “Gorilla’s in the mist”, but still very nice to see.

I think this was the first time I’d been up on The Roaches in the Staffordshire Peak District when it was shrouded in a heavy mist, and fog. The plan for today was to walk up through the wooded area, and just try to work a few compositions. I’ve got the odd shot from the wood, but like most woodland photography images they are hard won. I was hoping that the mist, and fog would be on my side to take away a lot of the distractions.

Once again I was the only car, and person up there. For some reason, probably because I’d got the conditions I found I wasn’t as conscious of that fact. I worked my way up through the wood, stopping often to try different compositions, and whilst the mist, and fog helped I still found it challenging to make “good images”.

I eventually got to the end of the woodland, and decided to head back along the middle tier, rather than go up top. It was around 10:00, and the break in the weather hadn’t materialised, so there didn’t look to be too much to see up there. In the end I was probably up there for around three hours.

Definitely a much needed trip, and as “challenging” as it was I managed to walk away with thirty-four images for the micro stocks, and a few of the better ones I’ve shared in today’s gallery.

You can view more images from The Roaches, and my gallery of other Peak District locations.


Grindon Moor


Winter Snow at The Roaches