Consall Valley
A landscape photography blog by Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire based landscape photographer Rob Thorley Photography.
It’s Tuesday, and another day off work. Still inspired by the “success” I’d found at Swineholes Wood I decided I stick with exploring local woodlands, and heading out to Consall Valley in Staffordshire.
In recent times I’ve visited Consall Valley often, but it has always been to photograph the wildlife, so whilst I was aware of the woodland I’d by no means done anything that you’d class as exploration. Like Swineholes Wood, Consall Valley is quite a dense, chaotic woodland, so once again I was looking for contrast, with the intention to shoot “moody, and eerie”.

On this occasion I only scratched the surface, and as you’ll see from the gallery there are definitely opportunities to make images. Unfortunately the skies cleared, and the sunlight became really harsh, so my inspiration dried up a touch. I’m looking forward to returning when there’s more autumnal conditions. I’m hoping the geography of the location, with the streams, and valley will lend itself to some epic misty conditions.
You can view more images from my gallery of woodlands, and trees.